Coaching Process

Coaching occurs through a series of ongoing conversations and focuses on meeting specific future goals. To begin the process, a coach will conduct in-person interviews to gather information relevant to the coaching process, and may also incorporate a 360-degree assessment and feedback process as needed. All SRC coaches work through three distinct phases:

  • Discovery is the phase where the general context for the conversation unfolds. The leader and coach agree on the parameters, desired outcomes, gaps to close and how to gather feedback.

  • Development is the most complex of the three phases. In a collaborative fashion, SRC coaches use a cycle of awareness building, reframing, taking action and evaluating until the identified gaps narrow significantly or close completely.

  • Delivery is the phase that solidifies long-term sustainable results. The leader and coach focus on creating a follow-up plan to firmly establish achieved outcomes well after the coaching relationship is concluded.

Download this fact sheet to learn more about Executive Coaching

Benefits of Coaching

Coaching has a multitude of positive impacts at many levels. At the individual level, coaching results in increased productivity and improved performance for the leader and those in his or her sphere of influence. At the organizational level, it can be a key lever in retaining top-value leaders and a tangible way to manage an organization’s best talent. Finally, by creating accountability, coaching offers a practical way to align strategic goals, cultural changes or business results with an organization’s leadership capability.

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